Input: {
Select entries or table:
(repo_uoa) or (experiment_repo_uoa) - can be wild cards
(remote_repo_uoa) - if remote access, use this as a remote repo UOA
(module_uoa) or (experiment_module_uoa) - can be wild cards
(data_uoa) or (experiment_uoa) or (experiment_data_uoa) - can be wild cards
(repo_uoa_list) - list of repos to search
(module_uoa_list) - list of module to search
(data_uoa_list) - list of data to search
(prune_points) - list of points to get
(search_dict) - search dict
(ignore_case) - if 'yes', ignore case when searching
(meta) - search by meta in the entry (adds search_dict['meta'])
(tags) - search by tags in the entry
(features) - search by features in the entry
(flat_features) - search by flat features in the entry (faster) ...
(features_keys_to_ignore) - list of keys to remove from features (can be wildcards) - useful for frontier detection
(table) - experiment table (if drawing from other functions)
(mtable) - misc or meta table related to above table
may be useful, when doing labeling for machine learning
(skip_processing) - if 'yes', do not load data (useful to return points for frontier detection)
(get_all_points) - if 'yes', add all points
(load_json_files) - list of json files to load for a given point
(features, features_flat, flat, 0001, 0002, etc ...)
(get_keys_from_json_files) - which keys to get from json files (useful for frontier) ...
(flat_keys_list) - list of flat keys to extract from points into table
(flat_keys_list_ext) - add this extension to all above keys (useful to add #min)
(flat_keys_list_separate_graphs) - [ [keys], [keys], ...] - several graphs ...
(order is important: for example, for plot -> X,Y,Z)
(flat_keys_index) - add all flat keys starting from this index
(flat_keys_index_end) - add all flat keys ending with this index (default #min)
(flat_keys_index_end_range) - add range after key (+-)
(substitute_x_with_loop) - if 'yes', substitute first vector dimension with a loop
(add_x_loop) - if 'yes', insert first vector dimension with a loop
(sort_index) - if !='', sort by this number within vector (i.e. 0 - X, 1 - Y, etc)
(ignore_point_if_none) - if 'yes', ignore points where there is a None
(ignore_point_if_empty_string) - if 'yes', ignore points where there is a None
(ignore_graph_separation) - if 'yes', ignore separating different entries into graphs
(separate_subpoints_to_graphs) - if 'yes', separate each subpoint of entry into a new graph
(separate_permanent_to_graphs) - if 'yes', separate permanent to new graphs (first is always non-permanent ...)(
(vector_thresholds) - List of values: if a given value in this vector is !=None and more than
a value in a processed vector - skip it
(vector_thresholds_conditions) - specify threshold conditions for above vector values ("<" - default or ">")
(expand_list) - if 'yes', expand list to separate values (useful for histogram)
(all checks for valid vectors or thresholds are currently turned off)
(skip_scenario_info) - if 'yes', do not attempt to pre-load info from the experiment scenario
(separate_permanent_points) - if 'yes', add permanent points to ppoints ('features' file should be loaded)
Output: {
return - return code = 0, if successful
> 0, if error
(error) - error text if return > 0
table - first dimension is for different graphs on one plot
Second dimension: list of vectors [X,Y,Z,...]
mtable - misc table - misc info related to above table (UOA, point, etc)
may be useful, when doing labeling for machine learning
points - list of points {'repo_uoa','repo_uid','module_uoa','module_uid','data_uoa','data_uid','point_uid', ''=dict ...}}
ppoints - list of permanent points
real_keys - all added keys (useful when flat_keys_index is used)
merged_meta - merged meta from all entries
plot_info_from_scenario - dict with plot info if experimental scenario is found in the first experiment entry